McCann and Martin: A Match to be Sure

The advertising agency, McCann NY, that helped brand companies like Coca-Cola and Mastercard in your brains to make you buy those products:

It’s in this New York agency where some of the most famous brand-building advertising has been developed, whether “I’d like to teach the world to sing” and “Mean Joe Greene” for Coca-Cola, or “I’m Worth It” for L’Oréal, or “It’s everything you always wanted in a beer. And less.” for Miller Lite, or “Priceless” for MasterCard, or “Army Strong” for the U.S. Army.

Now wants you to vote to make the farce of the George Zimmerman case to be “Truth Well Told”, a phrase which they brand themselves with on their website(, and vote in the Webby Awards for their “A Million Hoodies For Travyon Martin” campaign they threw together:

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