The Jello ABC E-Cake Dispute

The Jello333, a.k.a. giver of bunny cakes, is disputing the bet regarding the ABC tapes.

Ah, the ABC cake? Can I ask for clarification first? We’re gonna need some help from an Admin. Someone’s gonna have to go back and search the comments when you and I (were there others involved?) were first debating this issue, and the bet was made. I can’t recall whether it specified ABC vs Gutman, or how MUCH help the Defense was getting, or how it would be proven that they got help, etc. 😉

(By the way, any Admins reading…. I’m just joking about searching for comments! 😉 )

I have managed to track down the original bet making process and present that here for your consideration.

Within a comment string on this treehouse post can be found the comments:

Tara writes:

Someone help me out here, refresh my memory. O’Mara and West filed the motion to acquire the recording from ABC back on Jan 18. And then there was a hearing some time after that, not sure the date. What was the outcome of the motion? Was this something that Nelson decided?

to which I respond:

We don’t know. It hasn’t come up again. This has caused some to speculate that ABC/Gutman has given the tapes to O’Mara already but I doubt that. Matt is an ass and has a particular story to sell, he ain’t going to just give it to O’Mara and the way they buried that clip you found is suspicious. Why not write an article about it and include the clip? Makes no sense. Why not release the entire thing? Matt could do that and he might still. Even so that is just from the Crump interview. Matt had subsequent interviews with her alone that he also recorded.

The bunny cake giver butts in with:

I don’t know DMan… can you really afford THREE cakes? I’ve got one coming for the “no trial” bet (yeah, I’m still holding out on that one! 😉 ). Another one for the Dee Dee not showing up for a depo. So you wanna go for another?… for whether MOM/West and ABC have (I suspect weeks ago) worked something out behind the scenes? 😉

to which I respond:

Sure, I’ll take that bet. I know Matt, well not personally, he’s ideologically entrenched and dedicated. He will not betray ‘THE CAUSE”! lol. NO TAPES FOR YOU!

Jello responds in the affirmative with a winkey smiley.

Notice I said that “This has caused some to speculate that ABC/Gutman has given the tapes to O’Mara already but I doubt that.” That is what I was betting on!

The bunny cake giver convoluted the matter vaguely with “for whether MOM/West and ABC have (I suspect weeks ago) worked something out behind the scenes?”

And as you’ll notice that I clarify what I’m betting “He will not betray ‘THE CAUSE”! lol. NO TAPES FOR YOU!” as if Matt is the soup nazi and will NEVER give those tapes to O’Mara NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!

Now if you will kind sir, please hand over your offering I so deserve for my greatness. Or someone is getting a cake in their face, lol.

36 thoughts on “The Jello ABC E-Cake Dispute

  1. If you & Jello ever quit your day jobs, you can tour the country as a comedy duo—I can see you guys now: more famous than Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis; Rowan & Martin; Laurel & Hardy; Amos & Andy.
    I assume, of course, Treepers would have Back-stage passes, yea?

  2. Ok, ok… let’s give the other guys here a chance to weight in first. Even though your King around here, surely in all your benevolence you’ll want your subjects to have a small say in the matter?…

    (And now that I know how much you hate bunny cakes, it’s a good thing we’re past Easter. But there’s another “holiday” coming up early next month, so if this drags on you may get something even better Hmm…)

    • DMan, for the record, the reply procedure appears to have a change again but I am replying to jello’s post.

      Jello: What do you think actually happened to all of the ABC tapes?

      • If you mean do I think they were “destroyed” or something, as has been implied by…. actually who DID say that? Was it MOM in one of the motions? Anyway, wherever that came from, NO, I definitely don’t think the tapes are gone. Yes, ABC may have TOLD O’Mara or West that, but I don’t believe them. Another thing, in my opinion: ABC couldn’t care less what happens to Crump. If he goes to prison for what he’s done, I think they’ll be fine with that. And I suspect that at least some people at ABC feel bad about what’s been done to George, and how they played a part in that. Now I’m not talking about Gutman himself… I’m talking about his bosses and maybe some assistants of his.

        Eh, whatever… that’s just some thoughts. I guess I didn’t really answer the question, eh? 😉

  3. The screams of terror on the 911 call must have actually been those of the head of ABC news and all of their lawyers if there was something that so threatened them that they would destroy the rest of what they had that no other news outfit on the planet had.

    This story has a long while to run yet. No way do you give up an exclusive like that when you can hold it in reserve for broadcast at the moment when it’ll draw the biggest audience.

    Not without something that threatened the very existence of the network overriding that.

  4. unitron shared:
    This story has a long while to run yet. No way do you give up an exclusive like that when you can hold it in reserve for broadcast at the moment when it’ll draw the biggest audience.
    unitron – I think you nailed it on the ABC tape, WHY help the defense out now and disclose the whole tape when they can wait until trial and claim to have “unearthed” the unedited tape they thought was destroyed & possibly proving several to be liars that have testified.

    • Further, if it’s ABC that’s in danger, Gutman could jump ship with his own secret copy of the recording (you know he’s got to have one–first lesson of broadcasting:don’t trust management).

      If it’s Gutman in danger and not the network, then the dynamics get really interesting.

  5. Sono stato molto contento di aver trovato questo sito. Voglio dire grazie per il vostro tempo per questa lettura meravigliosa! Io sicuramente mi sto godendo ogni post e ho gi salvato il sito tra i segnalibri per non perdermi nulla!

    • Io non parlo Italiano, ma non ho capito ogni parola che hai detto… grazie a Bing Translator, che è! Benvenuti nel sito. Basta guardare fuori quando DMan inizia lanciando torte intorno.

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